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pch Parameter

a. Run the command plot(1:26,1:26,pch=1:26) (if you haven't tried already) and compare it with the command


Which of the following is the best description of the second plot?

 Tries 0/2

b. Run the command plot(1:26,1:26,pch=letters). What do you see?

 Tries 0/2

c. Run the command plot(1:26,1:26,pch=LETTERS). What do you see?

 Tries 0/2

d. Run the command plot(1:26,1:26,pch='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'). What do you see?

 Tries 0/2

e. Run the commands

char <- c('abc','ABC','*113','%p','#1176;','!god','@illinois.edu','[Stat390]','|x|','?plot','^5','&-03','++')

What do you see?

 Tries 0/2